I love it when
a plan comes
The A-Team - Colonel Hannibal Smith!
At Avoconseil you will find a team of lawyers and legal professionals specializing in business law, who all put their heads together in a friendly atmosphere to better serve you. Combining our skills and experience is the best way for us to meet all of your expectations!
It’s such a reality that we even develop our team spirit outside the office: for example, every Tuesday evening, we put on our running shoes: 1,2,3 Ready, set, go!
To put it simply, the people you will meet virtually on this page are more than colleagues: they are teammates.
Master II Digital Law – Administration – Corporate
(University Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne)
Master I Culture, Innovation and Communication Law
(University Paris-Sud)
Doctor of Law (PhD) Information and Communications Technology
(Aix – Marseille University)
Master II Professional
Telecommunications and NICT Law
(Aix – Marseille University)
University degree in electronic communications
(Aix – Marseille University)
EDAGO: Training as an aspiring lawyer
Master 2 Intellectual Property Law
Master 1 General Private Law
University of Rennes 1
Admitted to the bar in 2016
Faculté de Droit d’Angers
Master 2 Contentieux privé
Faculté de Droit de Caen Normandie
Ecole des Avocats de Poitiers
Prestation de serment en 2020
Master’s degree in Private Law
University of Paris II – Panthéon Assas
Admitted to the bar in 1993
Specialist in Commercial,
Business and Competition Law
Master in Private Law
in Fundamental Criminal Law
(University of Montpellier)
Doctor of Law (PhD) Private Law
(University of Saint-Denis de la Réunion)
Admitted to the bar in 2017
Certificate in Common Law and Comparative Law Former
Legal Translator (English-French)
Admitted to the bar in 2009
University PARIS IX Dauphine
Master’s in finance and Law
Master’s in international business
University of Paris II – Panthéon Assas
Master’s in business law
Admitted to the bar in 2000
Master II Business Law
corporate law specialization
Master II Business Law
corporate law specialization
Diploma in Corporate Legal Advice (DJCE)
Master’s degree in business law
Admitted to the bar in 1992
Master 2 Labor Law, Labor Relations – Montpellier
University degree in Labor Law and International Companies
Master 1 in Labor Law
Master 1 in Business Law
University of the West of England, Bristol
Joined the firm November 2014
Admitted to the bar in 2017
Master I Business Law
Master II Contract Law
Admitted to the bar in 2014
Faculté de Droit d’Angers
Master 2 Contentieux privé
Faculté de Droit de Caen Normandie
Ecole des Avocats de Poitiers
Prestation de serment en 2020
Master’s degree in Private Law
University of Paris II – Panthéon Assas
Admitted to the bar in 1993
Specialist in Commercial,
Business and Competition Law
Master’s degree in Corporate Law
Admitted to the bar in 2001
Diploma in Corporate Legal Advice (DJCE)
Master’s Degree in Business Law
Certificate in Tax Law
Master’s degree in Private Law
Master’s degree in Business Law
Specialist in Tax Law
Admitted to the bar in 2003
Master’s degree in Corporate Law
Admitted to the bar in 2001
Diploma in Corporate Legal Advice (DJCE)
Master’s Degree in Business Law
Certificate in Tax Law
Master’s degree in Private Law
Master’s degree in Business Law
Specialist in Tax Law
Admitted to the bar in 2003
Diploma in Corporate Legal Advice (DJCE)
Certificate in Tax Law
Master I Business Law
Admitted to the bar in 2016
Master II Digital Law – Administration – Corporate
(University Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne)
Master I Culture, Innovation and Communication Law
(University Paris-Sud)
Doctor of Law (PhD) Information and Communications Technology
(Aix – Marseille University)
Master II Professional
Telecommunications and NICT Law
(Aix – Marseille University)
University degree in electronic communications
(Aix – Marseille University)